An easily embeddable swap & zap widget  with no-code customization.

Expand your app's capabilities with tailored DeFi trading, liquidity provisioning, lending, and more — no technical expertise needed.

For dApps

Stay On-Brand

Customize our embeddable widget to seamlessly match your app's aesthetic, enhancing your digital presence and ensuring community remains engaged with your ecosystem at all times.

Swap & Zap Functionality

Eliminate barriers between you and your audience. Enable your community to swap any asset directly on your platform or zap their assets into your pools in a single transaction.

Full Customization

Every aspect of the widget is customizable, with zero coding necessary. Set up asset swaps to your specifications, set custom transaction fees, and spotlight the best yield opportunities.

Ultimate Flexibility

Customize Your Swap experience

Unlock vast possibilities with access to tens of thousands of tokens, hundreds of protocols, and the most popular EVM networks at your disposal. You can also customize parameters, including the enabled assets and networks, and even drill down to specific tokens.

Visual Appeal

Change The Look To Fit Your Visual Language

Third-party integration doesn't have to be confusing. Our no-code customization dashboard makes it straightforward and accessible to create a cohesive and appealing aesthetic.

Custom Fees

Unlock New Revenue Streams

Whether you want to add a small surcharge to each transaction or set fees to 0, our widget
accommodates your product strategy, allowing you to maintain competitive pricing for your app.

For Developers

A World Of Functionality In A Single Embed

The Portals widget streamlines the integration process through a single embeddable code snippet, expanding functionality with minimal complexity. It eliminates the need for off-site redirections, offering a smoother interaction directly within your app, all with an aesthetic that fits your brand.

Join our community
of portals builders

Access a wealth of knowledge, both through the combined experience of industry veteran builders & developers and the extensive documentation found in the Builder’s Library.