The blockchain data you need, delivered at light-speed.

Inject your app with coverage of thousands of tokens & DeFi assets across 9 EVMs & hundreds of protocols from Aave to Yearn and everything in between

USD Prices
Total Supply
Account Balance
Token Images
Historical Data

Supercharge your dApp

Web3 data is fuel for your app. Get the best.

Portals offers a user-friendly DeFi API with straightforward endpoints delivering comprehensive data. A single query fetches balances across all networks, or returns every single asset associated with a DeFi platform. Most devs can start building with Portals API in under 30 minutes!

Easy & Flexible Data integration

A stable API you can trust, offering the most extensive coverage of assets in DeFi.
Low-code, feature-packed, user-friendly, multi-purpose.

One API that does what you need it to, when you need it.

For example:

Get all Curve pools that contain FRAX

Use the search and filtering features of the API to find all Curve pools that contain FRAX tokens on Ethereum

Track the 1inch treasury multisig

Track balances for any smart contract or wallet like the 1inch treasury Safe on Ethereum

Find the most liquid Balancer pools

Use the sort feature of the API to find the most liquid Balancer pools on Polygon

Get the USD price of an Aave token

Use the IDs filter to find a specific token’s price on any network, including pool tokens, vaults, LSDs, interest-bearing tokens, and more

Stability & Simplicity.

NO NPM packages
NO costly maintenance

Utilize Data From Across All Of Web3 & DeFi

Providing real-time data feeds for the most popular EVM Chains, with continuous network expansion.

Utilize Historical Data To Predict The Future.

Gain actionable insights from our historical datasets or make confident decisions with real-time information driven by our data engine, which accumulates comprehensive coverage of countless DeFi assets every single block.

Let Portals Data Guide Your Actions.

Launch new DeFi products, data-driven yield strategies, crypto wallet & portfolio products, real-time crypto rankings, performance based trust scores, user alerts, and even custom smart contract triggers based on your project's parameters.

Tap into hundreds of protocols.

And their thousands of accumulated opportunities. Providing real-time data feeds for the most popular EVM Chains.

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of portals developers

Access a wealth of knowledge, both through the combined experience of industry veteran builders & developers and the extensive documentation found in the Builder’s Library.